eAir: Near-ideal pressure sensing relies on frictionless multiphasic interface and aero-elasticity

Our work on a bioinspired new mechanism pressure sensor published Nature Materials!

PETAL: Paper-like, battery-free, AI-enabled sensor for holistic wound monitoring

Our work on AI-enabled multiplexed colorimetric sensor for holistic wound monitoring published on Science Advance!

AiFoam: Artificially Innervated Foam as Synthetic E-Skin

Our new work on self-healing foam e-skin published on Nature Communications!

TRACE - Reliable Sensing for Wearables and Robotics

Our work on a new Tactile Sensor published on Proceedings of the National Academy (PNAS)!

HELIOS - Light Sources that Stretch and Heal

Our work on Lighting Up Soft Robots published on Nature Materials!

ACES Hand - Ultra-fast Nervous Systems for Electronic Skins

Our work on a bioinspired nervous system for electronic skins published on Science Robotics as cover!

Plasmonic Textiles - Collaboration with Ho Research Group on the cover of Nature Electronics

How can we power and receive data from wearable devices all over the body in a secure manner? Read our work to find out.

Advanced Sensotronics

Our group develops cutting-edge artificial sensory devices and robotic systems inspired by natural biological systems for AI applications.

Welcome to the TEE Research Group

We are developing new materials, devices and systems for addressing the challenges in human-machine interactions, robotics and biotechnology applications for the AI future.
Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, we aim to study fundamental physical effects and integrate knowledge from material science, nano-electronics, communications and biology to design and realize frontier devices and system architectures for multi-scale, multi-modal sensing.

Our research team is led by Principal Investigator Associate Professor Benjamin C.K. Tee.

Our latest research is online in Nature Electronics

CHARM3D, developed by our group and other collaborators, is able to print free-standing metallic structures without the need for support materials and external pressure. This new technique fabricates 3D electronic circuits faster and with greater level of detail and accuracy.


The work was featured in Nature Electronics and NUS News.

Our latest research is online in Nature Materials

Navigating the complexities of pressure sensing in liquid environments, we have pioneered a sensor that transcends traditional solid-state limitations through a design inspired by the natural elegance of the lotus leaf. This innovation, featuring a sophisticated solid-liquid-liquid-gas interface, harnesses a captured air layer to finely tune capacitance in reaction to pressure variations. Demonstrating unparalleled performance, our sensor emerges as a near-ideal pressure sensing solution for liquid environments and beyond.

The work was featured in Nature Materials Research Briefing and NUS News.

HOPES showcased to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Sir James Dyson at Dyson Global Headquarters opening event (Mar 2023).

Benjamin Tee featured by CNN International on Electronic Skin Research Work

Dr. Benjamin C.K. Tee was selected as one of the 8 latest World’s Top 2% Scientists from iHealthtech (2021) by Stanford University

Benjamin Tee featured by CNN International on Electronic Skin Research Work

Our group’s electronic skin technology won the James Dyson International Winner 2021 (1st for a Singapore team in 17 years award history)

Benjamin Tee featured by CNN International on Electronic Skin Research Work

Our latest research in IROS 2021 won the Best Paper Award

In this work, we developed NUSKin and worked with roboticists to enable a robot to embody tool usage like humans, extending their capabilities for unstructured environments and human tools.

The work was also highlighted on NUS Computing News .

Our latest research is online in Robotics: Science and Systems

In this work, we developed a neuromorphic robotic skin, NeuTouch, and power efficient AI algorithms that combine touch and vision for intelligent grasping tasks.

The work was also highlighted on NUS News and by Intel.

Our latest research is online in Nature Materials

In this work, we developed the bright, stretchable and self-healable electroluminescence device that can be wirelessly powered.

The work was also highlighted on Nature MaterialsNews and Views and NUS News.

Our latest research on the cover of Science Robotics

Electronic Skins need a nervous system. In this work, we developed an artificial nervous system we call ACES, that can enable large scale integration of sensors for robotics and prosthetics, enabling greater intelligence and speed.

Our latest research on the cover of Nature Electronics

Self-healing materials are an exciting research area for intelligent materials. In this work, we developed an underwater capable electronic material that can be used in emerging soft robots, stretchable electronics and electronic skins.

See NUS video here.

Our latest research featured by the Wall Street Journal

Our work on artificial skin can enable future robots that aid surgeons in critical tasks during procedures with our ACES sense of touch.

Our group’s E-Skin research featured on Channel News Asia Wizards of Tech Documentary

Our group’s electronic skin technology won the James Dyson International and National Winner 2021 (1st for a Singapore team in 17 years award history)

Benjamin Tee featured by CNN International on Electronic Skin Research Work

Our group’s E-Skin research featured on Channel News Asia

Our group’s E-Skin research featured on BBC World News

Our group’s research featured by National Geographic in City of Innovation: Singapore

Our group’s research featured by CNN International News Network on Tomorrow’s Hero series

Benjamin Tee featured by CNN International on Electronic Skin Research Work

Material NanoScience

Tuning materials via nano/micro-engineering and developing new self-healing properties

Scalable Electronic Skins

Engineering sensitive electronics with tactile perception on a massive scale

Integrated Large-scale Sensing Systems

Large-scale integration of advanced materials for artificial sensory systems