Current Members

Benjamin Tee, PhD
Principal Investigator

Liu Mengmeng, PhD
Research Fellow

Cheng Wen, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Electron. Sci. Technol. (Nanjing University)

Fu Xuemei, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Polymer Chemistry & Physics
(Fudan University)

Alvin Leng
Research Associate

Yang Jingyi
Research Fellow

Yang Zijie
PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS,Singapore)

Yu Kelu
PhD student

Guo Hongchen, PhD
Research Fellow

Wang Xinyu
Research Fellow
PhD, MSE (NUS,Singapore)

Zeng Qihang
PhD student

Wan Guan Xiang
PhD student

Fang Cheng Liang, PhD
Visiting Scholar
PhD. Polymer Chemistry (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
PhD. Organic Polymer Materials (National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan)

Sydney Khemtonglang
PhD Student
PhD, MSE (NUS, Singapore)
MS (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
BEng (Khon Kaen University)

Yaonan Gu
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Fellow
PhD (NUS, Singapore)
BEng (Tianjin University, China)

Cheng Xu, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Mechanics (Tsinghua University)

Jacob Lim
Research Associate
BEng. EE (NUS, Singapore)

Simon Ong Zihang
PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS, Singapore)

Bian Ka
Research Assistant / PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS, Singapore)

Liu Linkun
PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS, Singapore)
Master, Nanyang Technological University, MSc.Electronics
Undergraduate, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Automation.

Lee Wang Wei, PhD
Research Fellow
Currently: Tencent

Niu Yixue
PhD student

Yang Weidong
Research Fellow
Currently: Tong Ji University, China Tenure-track faculty

Aeree Kim, PhD
Research Fellow
Currently: Samsung, Korea

Brian Lim
Research Assistant
BEng. Mech.Engr (NTU, Singapore)
Currently: PhD in University of Minnesota

Tan Yu Jun
Research Fellow
PhD. Mech. Engr (NTU,Singapore)
Currently: NUS Mech Engr. Tenure-track faculty

Ling Shaohua, PhD
PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS,Singapore)
Currently: Industry

Matthew Hon
PhD student
Currently: Media Tek

Betty Xiong

Glenys Susanto
Research Assistant
BEng. MSE (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: PhD MSE, NUS

Toh Wei Da
Research Associate
MEng. ECE (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: A* Star

Yao Haicheng
PhD student

Wang Zifeng, PhD
Research Fellow

Hashina Parveen, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Mech.Engr (SUTD, Singapore)
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Nanyang Polytechnic

Yedige Tlegenov, PhD
Research Fellow
Currently: University of Cambridge, UK

Chen Ge
Research Engineer

Li Xue, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Mech. Engr (NUS,Singapore)

See Hian Hian, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD. Mech. Engr (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: SGInnovate

Li Si, PhD
PhD student
PhD, MSE (NUS,Singapore)
Currently: Dyson, Singapore

Lim Zi Wei
Research Assistant

Yang Ruochen
Master student, MSE (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: Incoming MSE PhD student (NUS, Singapore)

Hareesh Godaba, PhD
Research Fellow
PhD Mech. Engr (NUS, Singapore) Currently: University of Sussex, UK Tenure-track faculty

Melissa Tan
Currently: Stanford University

Li Pengju
Research Assistant
BEng. MSE (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: PhD in University of Chicago

Teo Ju Teng
Research Associate
MSc. ECE (NTU, Singapore)
Currently: A*Star

Zhao Yue
PhD student

David Lee
Research Assistant
BEng. ECE (NUS, Singapore)
Currently: Master student, School of Computing, NUS

Sim Ee En, Ian
Undergrad research student
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Undergraduate Final Year Research Projects 2018-2019

Bruce Lim
FYP student

Wang Yanan
FYP student

Crispan Tan
FYP student

John Chiam